Dr. Ummae Tania Nasrin, Dr. Tashrin Begum, Dr. Choudhury Taslima Nasrin, Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Kabir, Dr. Bornali Das and Dr. Sakila Patuary
A Uterine Didelphy, also known as a “Double Uterus”, is one of the least common variety amongst Mullerian Duct Anomalies where the uterus is present as a paired organ when the embryogenetic fusion of the Mullerian Ducts fail to occur. A 21 years old 4th gravida mother came at Gafargaon Adhunik Hospital at her 6 weeks of pregnancy with previous history of three spontaneous miscarriages probably at her 2nd trimesters which she could not mention clearly. After those she again conceived naturally but Preterm Birth developed at her 32+ weeks and Cesarean Section was done due to breech presentation but the baby died in the early neonatal period. In this pregnancy, TVS at her 7 weeks pregnancy revealed Bicornuate Uterus. She was in routine Antenatal check-up and was treated with weekly injection of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone along with other pregnancy supplementation up to 36 weeks. Then Elective Cesarean Section was done at 38 weeks due to Breech presentation. A healthy male baby of 2.6 kg was delivered and its neonatal period was uneventful. However, there is insufficient data on its surgical correction (Metroplasty); though it is usually not indicated. Therefore, more studies are needed to determine the better reproductive and obstetric outcomes, so that Clinicians can properly manage these patients.
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