Neher Banu, Mina Rani Debi and Joynab Akhter
Background: A biophysical profile (BPP) is a prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well-being involving a scoring system with the score being termed Manning's score. It is often done when a non-stress test (NST) is non-reactive. Typically, it takes about 30 to 70 minutes to complete. It is done specially to see pregnancy and neonatal outcome with a patient presenting with less fetal movement.
Methods: One hundred women having singleton pregnancy with gestational age ≥34 weeks with complaints of less fetal movement and intact membrane and no labour pain were interviewed and finally their biophysical profile was done.
Results: A total of 100 pregnant women were included in the study. Maximum number was found in the age group of 25-29 years and the mean (±SD) age was 29.5±4.4 with ranged from 20 to 38 years. Among them 83 number of patient having 34-37 weeks of pregnancy &17 patient ware 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. Most of the patients were found lower abdominal pain (25%) H/O subfertility (20%), H/O previous C/S (15%), dysuria (12%), and BOH (9%). According to abnormal biophysical profile score it was found that 5(71.4%) were referred to scabu, out of which 1(14.3%) asphyxiated, 2(28.6%) cord around the neck, 4(57.1%) liquor stained and 1(2.9%) perinatal death. According to equivocal biophysical profile score 8(22.9%) fetal outcome were good and 26(74.3%) referred to scabu, out of which 15(42.9%) asphyxiated, 6(17.1%) cord around the neck, 6(17.1%) liquor stained and 1(2.9%) perinatal death.
Conclusion: Low biophysical Profile score is proportionately associated with the poor outcome of neonates. BPP scoring helps the clinician to take decision for elective delivery of subjects and to take adequate preparation for neonatal resuscitation.
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