Minara Sikder, Farhana Ahmed Nancy, Tahmina Khan Shammi, Meher Sultana and Jahangir Alam
Background: Teenage pregnancy is a problem in both developed and developing countries and has an increased risk of both maternal and fetal complication specially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Complication from pregnancy and childbirth were the leading cause of death for girls aged 15-19 years in poorer countries.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate maternal outcome and early neonatal complications of teenage pregnancy.
Methodology: This prospective observational study was conducted at department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 200 Bed Hospital, Narayanganj from January 2011-June 2011. Consecutive 100 cases of 13-19 years old admitted pregnant women were included in this study and selected them purposively. Data was collected through a predesigned questionnaire, after taking informed written consent from patient and patient's party also permission taken from department & ethical committee during this study Data was checked and edited manually. And analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science).
Results: During this study period 62% mothers were aged 17-18 years, most of them (62%) came from poor socioeconomic condition and had no education (60%). Only 35% cases used contraceptives 29% pregnancy were planned pregnancy and received regular antenatal checkup (23%). Maternal complications like Anaemia (78%), PIH (28%), preterm labour (15%), prolonged labour (15%) obstructed labour (12%) post-partum hemorrhage (12%) were more. Teenage mothers also had increased risk of low birth weight babies (46%), birth asphyxia (18%).jaundice (16%), IUGR (9%),prematurity (18%) and associated with high perinatal death (14%).
Conclusion: The younger the mother, the higher the rate of maternal and neonatal complications so, more emphasis should be given on further reduction of teenage pregnancy. Adequate perinatal care of teenage mother is also essential for reducing the risk of complications in this age group.
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