Dr. Bina C Pol, Dr .Vidya A Thobbi and Dr. Gururaj Deshapande
Background and Objectives: During the last three decades it has taken a new dimension because of identification of clinical risk factors and improved fetomaternal outcome due to better management. The present study aimed to assess the maternal and fetal outcome in patients with prelabour rupture of membrane.
Methods: The present prospective cross-sectional study was conducted among the patients presenting with spontaneous rupture of membrane, admitted in Department of OBG of Al-Ameen Medical College Medical College, Athani road, Vijayapura. Informed consent was taken from all enrolled patients after detailed counselling. The contents of the consent were read out to the patients in his language. Detailed history taking including age, parity, weight gain, inter pregnancy interval. History emphasized on exact time of rupture of membrane and duration the amount of leak. Detailed examination like blood pressure, height, temperature was noted. In obstetric history uterine height, fetal presentation, fetal heart rate, estimated weight and other parameters of maternal and fetalwell-being was noted. A sterile speculum examination was conducted and presence of liquor amini was noted. The maternal and fetal outcome were monitored and recorded in the Performa. All the data were entered in excel sheet and the analysis was performed using SPSS V.21.0 operating on windows 10.
Results: Present study total of 100 patients fulfilling inclusion criteria are included in present study after obtaining the informed consent. The mean age of the patients was found to be 24.92. The maternal complications seen among patients were with 34% puerperal fever, followed with 10% with wound infections and 3% with UTI. Among the fetal complications, the study documented majority with presence of respiratory distress syndrome in 17% of the newborn, followed with 4% meconium aspiration, 3% with conjunctivitis and 1% with sepsis and still birth.
Conclusion: The present study documented the major etiological factors for PROM among study participants was following the coitus, followed with history of previous pregnancy leaking. The study also documented the common mode of delivery was lower segment caesarean section with cause of failure to progress among them. The maternal complication documented was majority with puerperal fever and wound infection. The newborn complication documented was majority with respiratory distress syndrome followed with meconium aspiration.
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